Suryawanshi, Kallur, Shendage, Dhamale, Vishe, and Dhamale: To study impact of drug abuse in adolescence


Adolescence is a crucial developmental stage that fosters reproductive survival and fitness while laying the groundwork for secondary sexual maturity and the emergence of adult-like social and psychological characteristics. The 2010–2011 national survey on substance use and health estimates that 16.6% of the 25.1 million kids in the United States use drugs or alcohol. With a 34% prevalence rate of lifetime substance use, teens who start using substances before the age of 14 are the most susceptible to developing a substance dependence. Early drug use appears to be associated with the highest risk of lifetime substance misuse and dependence, with a 4-5% decrease in likelihood for every year that substance consumption is delayed. People continue to mature between the ages of 13 and 21.1 Substance abuse and dependence have a tremendous impact on people since its repercussions are cumulative and lead to costly social, physical, and mental health difficulties.2 Adolescent substance addiction is a growing problem that is exacerbated by issues like alcoholism and multi-drug abuse. The brain undergoes continuous changes during adolescence, including myelination, axon maturation, cortical and subcortical gray matter loss, and synaptic pruning. Adolescents of many mammalian species share similar mechanisms, despite variations in relative length and overall brain complexity. Drug addiction can result in maladaptive behaviours, but studies also imply that substances of abuse may have a negative impact. Persistent nicotine treatment can successfully increase performance by reversing hypo frontality in the prefrontal cortex (pfc). It has been demonstrated that free-choice alcohol consumption and cognitive abnormalities in an animal model of schizophrenia improve sphingolipid levels. People who self-medicate with alcohol have an antidepressant impact on themselves when they are depressed, but there is growing evidence that substance use in adolescence can have different effects than when it is used later in life.3 Anatomical and functional changes in synaptic plasticity and neural connections occur throughout the critical stage of adolescent brain maturation. Hormone release and neurotransmitter systems in many brain regions, including the cortical and subcortical structures, impact these alterations. The impacts of alcohol and other substances can cause long-term cognitive and behavioural dysfunctions since the adolescent brain is still developing. Early teen risk-taking and novelty-seeking are encouraged by the non-uniform maturation pattern, wherein alcohol and drug dependence develops as a result of the limbic region developing faster than the cerebral cortex. Excessive ethanol consumption throughout adolescence disrupts brain plasticity, resulting in cognitive and behavioural abnormalities. Early onset of drug or alcohol usage is highly indicative of the development of a later substance use problem. The neuropathological and behavioural consequences of teen drug and alcohol addiction may be influenced by the neuroimmune system response, even though the exact mechanisms behind these processes are still understood.4

Overview of Adolescence Brain

Adolescence is a period of significant behavioural changes, including brain circuit refinement, structural remodelling, and neurochemical maturation. It is marked by a decrease in grey matter volume, increased cognitive capacity, and pruning, resulting in decreased synaptic density. Cerebral white matter grows linearly during childhood and adolescence, facilitating efficient communication. Increased white matter integrity is linked to improved working memory, inhibitory control, inter hemispheric transfer, and general intelligence. Neurochemical maturation, particularly in the dopaminergic system, is crucial for associative learning and motivated actions. The white and the brain's gray matter volumes might still fluctuate depending on a person's developmental stage. Until late adolescence, the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala are still developing. Adolescent brains are highly flexible, making them susceptible to environmental stimuli. With 9.3% of eighth-graders reporting having used an illicit substance other than marijuana in their lives, adolescent drug use is a public health concern.5 Adolescence is a time when legal substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana gain popularity. The brain develops most rapidly during adolescence and continues to mature until approximately age 25. Gray matter shrinks due to alterations in the extracellular matrix and poor synaptic connections, while white matter integrity and volume are increased by axon myelination. Different brain regions develop at different rates over time. Gender differences in teenage brain development show that girls develop one to two years earlier than males. Adolescent alcohol consumption can negatively impact brain development, impairing social, emotional, and cognitive processes.6

Parent Adolescence Relationship

The family's involvement in preventing teenage drug usage is crucial as it significantly impacts children's learning processes and character development. Parents play a significant role in providing education and advice for their children, and their engagement in monitoring their everyday activities can help avoid drug usage. However, drug users who have family engagement run a 4.2 times higher chance of using drugs, especially if their family is not as committed in drug prevention. Family harmony and worship, as well as religious activities, are factors that impact drug misuse in adolescents. Adolescents who do not participate in religious activities are more likely to abuse drugs. Good communication between parents and children can foster trust and respect, encouraging youngsters to express their emotions openly.7 Adolescents become independent of their parents at the end of this period, and they exhibit risky behaviours and respond to pressures differently than older and younger people. The issue of youth homelessness is significant from a public health perspective, as the pathways leading to homelessness are uncommon and seldom occur in isolation. Compared to adults, youth who are homeless are more likely to say that they were "kicked out" of their homes, subjected to physical, verbal, or sexual abuse, or neglected because of mental health issues or substance addiction by their parents. Family dysfunction can give rise to situations in youth that worsen homelessness. Youth suffering, including a desire to be free of unfavourable surroundings, environment, financial independence, and mental health challenges, differs frequently from the demographic of adult homeless people. In addition to hazardous housing situations like couch surfing or staying with family and friends, youth homelessness is frequently concealed. There is a paucity of knowledge regarding the effects of since most of the present research has focused on adult populations, treatments for homeless children have differing effects. Case management and non-abstinence contingent permanent supportive housing are two of the current therapies for those experiencing homelessness that have demonstrated beneficial effects in terms of enhancing mental health outcomes and housing stability. Youth represent a separate demographic that necessitates specifically customized, equity-focused, context-appropriate initiatives as well as increased research focus. This report presents four main categories of interventions utilized with homeless teenagers, after a careful analysis of the relevant literature on youth interventions: 1) Family and individual therapy; 2) skill-building courses; and 3) case management 4) modifications to the structure. The goal of these interventions is to address the many, intricate pathways and factors that lead to youth homelessness. These include improving unstable family environments through family therapy, treating mental health conditions through cognitive behavioural therapy, enhancing drug use disorders by motivational interviewing, increasing resource accessibility via case management, and fortifying structural supports like housing and income. Studies have linked delinquency, dropping out of school, and drug usage. Childhood aggression and anti-social behaviour in childhood are key risk factors for drug use, with childhood aggression predicting drug use in young adult males and deviant behaviour in females. Adolescent drug usage and criminality were found to be mediators between childhood violence and early adult drug use.8 The After questionnaire assesses five aspects of self-esteem: academic, social, emotional, familial, and physical. The espacial parental socialization scale uses 116 items to assess parental acceptance and involvement in 29 distinct western cultural contexts. More parental acceptance and engagement is positively correlated with adolescents' well-being in the Spanish cultural setting.9

Impact of Drugs

Addiction to drugs and alcohol can affect how the teenage brain develops, however it is less certain how much neuroimmune system activation contributes to behavioural dysfunction than alcohol use. Research indicates that a number of drug-abusing behaviours are influenced by the neuroimmune response. While other substance abuse affects how the adolescent brain develops, the connection between neuroimmune system activation and behavioural dysfunction is less evident than it is with alcohol use. Research indicates that a number of drug-abusing behaviours are influenced by the neuroimmune response. While other substance abuse affects how the adolescent brain develops, the connection between neuroimmune system activation and behavioural dysfunction is less evident than it is with alcohol use. 3

Figure 1

Diagrammatic depiction of the changes in brain functions during development


Adolescent alcohol usage is prevalent, with binge drinking accounting for 16% of global prevalence. Research shows that binge drinking affects the prefrontal and mesolimbic areas, leading to cognitive decline and symptoms of anxiety. Gender disparities exist in brain structural abnormalities, with females showing more cortical thinning and lower visuospatial memory. Although the exact molecular processes by which ethanol acts in the human teenage brain are unknown, research indicates that Adolescent ethanol use results in neuroinflammation, brain damage, and behavioral impairment are significantly influenced by innate immunological receptors (TLRs).4 Teenage girls have worse visuospatial memory and greater cortical thinning. Unknown are the chemical processes underlying the effects of ethanol on the human teenage brain. Alcohol is one of the psychoactive substances that is used most frequently. According to Koob and Le Moal, drinking alcohol is the third most common cause of mortality worldwide. The primary demographic of concern among the diverse group of alcohol users is the younger age group of 15–24 years old. Teenagers typically drink, and many have a binge-like pattern in which they drink a lot quantity of alcohol consumed quickly, usually followed by a period of abstinence.10 Research on adult people who drank alcohol as teenagers has shown reduced gray and white matter volumes in the prefrontal cortex relative to control participants. Functional theory suggests that because adolescent alcohol binge drinking lowers the baseline functional connection between striatal regions and the PFC, making the PFC more susceptible to the long-term effects of alcohol consumption. Furthermore, these results imply that teen alcohol use may have an impact on PFCs are involved in top-down inhibitory regulation, they may make people more vulnerable to alcohol-related illnesses like alcohol consumption disorder as adults. Drinking alcohol when the brain is still developing results in cognitive deficiencies in learning, attention, linguistic and nonverbal skills, and visuospatial function, according to mounting evidence from human studies. These findings are similar with studies on rats, which have demonstrated that young animals are more susceptible than older ones to memory loss brought on by alcohol. In two experiments, adult rats exposed to chronic intermittent alcohol (CIA) during adolescence exhibit lifelong impairments in recognition memory. In particular, conditional discrimination and object identification are negatively impacted by CIA administration in juvenile animals.

Notably, extended deficiencies in identifying objects have been connected to alterations in hippocampal neuronal activity. Notably, extended difficulties recognizing objects have been connected to alterations in hippocampal neuronal activity. Adolescent cocaine use's long-term impacts on behaviour and brain function in adults; ↑: decline, ↑: rise, Glutamate, dopamine, and Δ: change represent the functional implications of ethanol consumption throughout adolescence. A phenotypic typical of an adolescent may persist into adulthood. Rats that are given different amounts of ethanol as adults do not exhibit this "locking in" effect, which is shown in a range of activities. When observed during adulthood, behavioural changes such as reduced reduced susceptibility to ethanol's sedative effects, s both insensitivity to ethanol-induced anxiety during withdrawal and sensitivity to the development of conditioned taste aversion characterize this locking in state. Additionally, it has been reported that impulsivity and novelty seeking persist into adulthood following ethanol consumption in childhood, even while the control group's impulsivity decreased with age. Adolescent binge drinking increases the risk of making risky actions and has both short- and long-term effects, such as social rejection and hopelessness. It's also thought to act as a "gateway" for the use of other substances, such as tobacco or marijuana. According to Arias et al.11 there is a high correlation between early ethanol consumption experiences in adolescence and cocaine addiction, which supports this theory. Furthermore, ethanol binge drinking inducing short- and long-term behavioural changes, such as memory deficits, heightened anxiety, and depressive symptoms, in teenage mice modifies the indicators of cocaine withdrawal. Additionally, drinking alcohol as a teenager lessens sensitivity to its rewarding and stimulating effects of nicotine. Research on humans has also demonstrated that tobacco use escalates in adulthood among those who experienced alcohol use during adolescence. Remarkably, rats given ethanol during adolescence exhibit a reduction in amphetamine-induced dopamine release. According to a number of lines of research, drinking alcohol as a teenager increases the likelihood of binge drinking as an adult. For instance, alcohol consumption prior to the age of 14 is linked to a significantly increased risk of alcohol dependence in later life. It is currently unclear what biological mechanisms underlie this. Similar studies using According to animal models, ethanol use throughout adolescence increases the likelihood of relapsing later in life, speeds up the development of alcohol self-administration, and heightens behavioural indicators related to cravings. On the other hand, Vetter and colleagues found that, when compared to the control group, animals who learnt to willingly consume ethanol during adolescence showed no discernible differences in their adult ethanol-drinking behaviour. Adolescent alcohol vulnerability appears to be mediated by various mechanisms. According to a number of findings, ethanol consumption throughout adolescence may cause permanent alterations in the way that cytokines are regulated and how sensitive the effects persist into adulthood as part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. It is well documented that excessive alcohol consumption throughout adolescence causes harm to the anterior perirhinal cortex, piriform, and olfactory cortex. Adult rats' prelimbic cortex dopaminergic function is reduced with binge-like alcohol consumption. According to recent research, intermittent ethanol consumption in adolescents modifies the prelimbic cortex's pyramidal neurons' tonic inhibitory currents.12 Teenage alcohol consumption appears to impact thedevelopment of the medial PFC, indicating that anomalies in D1 receptor-mediated modulation of PFC activity and reduced excitability of GABAergic fast-spiking interneurons may have an impact on cognitive deficiencies mediated by these brain regions. According to a number of studies, adult rats exposed to persistent teenage ethanol had significantly smaller hippocampal, PFC, and corpus callosum volumes and the thickness of the cortex. Other studies have shown that rats and mice treated to ethanol continuously during adolescence experienced modifications to the myelin sheath, synaptic remodeling, and PFC and NAc activity. Additionally, neuroadaptations brought on by intermittent ethanol administration throughout adolescence may result in a decrease in dopamine release when ethanol is consumed later in life. These results underline the need of alcohol prevention programs for teenagers and point to potential processes underpinning addiction vulnerability in people who use alcohol during adolescence Adolescent alcohol consumption is linked to increased neurodegeneration and reduced neurogenesis in the hippocampus and NAc. Increased apoptosis and extended TLR4, HMGB1, high-mobility group box 1, and additional signaling molecule overexpression are concomitant with this poor neurogenesis. While the exact process causing this impairment is still unknown, there is evidence to support the theory that the progressive loss of hippocampus neurogenesis is caused by immune genes being activated by ethanol consumption during adolescence. According to Veltreno and Crews, these impacts could be a factor in the persistent decline in memory for novel object recognition caused by the hippocampus and increase the expression of anxiety-related behaviors. Furthermore, intermittent alcohol use throughout adolescence is linked to decreased levels decreases the hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) activity regions by altering the histone H3 acetylation at the promoters of BDNF genes. This could affect adult neurogenesis and the development of anxiety-like behaviours. Adult memory, synaptic plasticity, and hippocampal function are all negatively impacted by teen alcohol use. This may be due to alcohol-induced mitochondrial damage. Chronic ethanol consumption throughout adolescence also causes long-lasting alterations in the neuronal receptors of certain signaling proteins unique to astrocytes, like thrombospondin dysregulation. As adults, these substances may operate as mediators of signaling cascades that astrocytes use as a compensatory method to aid in synaptogenesis and restore damaged connection. All of these studies support the hypothesis that excessive alcohol consumption during adolescence can seriously impair adult brain health and raise the risk of alcoholism and alcohol dependence in adulthood by revealing molecular, morphological and functional alterations in the brain. Subsequent investigations into the working mechanisms behind Alcohol-induced changes in the adolescent brain will improve our understanding of the risks associated with the development of adult neuropathology and alcoholism.3


The average age at which an adult smoker starts using cigarettes is 13, and Ninety percent of smokers begin using tobacco products before turning eighteen. Smoking throughout adolescence is five and a half times greater probability of persist among teens who begin before the age of 14. This implies that smoking cessation and the development of nicotine dependence occur during adolescence. Adolescent smoking is believed to affect the reward system over time, which is why it is c regarded as a risk factor for the use of illegal substances later in life. Smokers (12 years of age and older) have a five-fold increased risk of abusing illicit drugs compared to non-smokers. Adolescents who receive nicotine treatment have immediate and permanent brain alterations that can result in relapse and continuing smoking even after extended periods of abstinence. In actuality, smokers who began throughout adolescence have a higher failure rate in trying to quit and/or relapse. In addition, compared to non-smokers, young smokers exhibit worsening working memory deficits as well as further deficiencies in verbal and working memory during times of abstinence.13 Studies conducted on animals indicate that nicotine use throughout Adolescence can cause permanent alterations in the amygdala, nucleus accumbens (NAc), and prefrontal cortex. Adult reward-related symptoms and drug sensitivity may be impacted by these changes. For example, smoking during youth increases the pleasurable effects of nicotine, even following an extended time of abstinence. Research on both humans and animals has demonstrated that adolescent use of nicotine and tobacco causes behavioural and cognitive problems as well as more severe reliance on these substances later in life. Deficits in attentional functioning, poor learning of serial patterns, poor context conditioning, elevated. In adults, anxiety and depressive-like behaviours are some of these impairments. Epidemiological statistics suggest that consuming nicotine can act as a "gateway" to using other substances such as cocaine, alcohol, and opioids. According to a recent study, adult rats' long-term susceptibility to opioid addiction was heightened by a nicotine challenge during adolescence, which was linked to the activation of neuro adaptations in LPGi neurons. According to other research, adolescent nicotine use increases the reward for cocaine in maturity. After receiving nicotine pre-treatment, adolescent rats exhibit locomotors sensitization to amphetamine both 30 days later and immediately after the completion of the pre-treatment. Adult rats who have received a nicotine pre-treatment, however, do not exhibit this kind of amphetamine sensitization at any point in time.14, 4

Additional research has clarified how nicotine affects adolescent brain development normally and has identified a consistent type of nicotine-induced plasticity. Adolescent nicotine use causes the NAc shell to become more flexible, which suppresses the long-term increase in striatal dopamine and norepinephrine levels that nicotine causes. The 5-hydroxytryptamine (5 H T) synaptic function is altered by nicotine over time, and this can affect how the body reacts to other substances of abuse. Therefore, through serotonergic circuits and other transmitter systems, nicotine administered during adolescence amplifies the consequences of nicotine withdrawal and administration during adulthood. Teenage nicotine results in enduring changes to the way central monoamine systems function work, which implies that similar effects might the peripheral sympathetic nervous system as well.3


Cannabis, a common illicit substance in youth, can lead to extensive use throughout late adolescence and early adulthood, leading to problems including dropping out of high school, developing mental health disorders, and increasing drug usage. It has psychoactive ingredients including 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can disrupt neurodevelopment by interfering with the brain's endocannabinoid system. Cannabis use alters neurochemical communication and has harmful effects on brain tissue, which changes neurodevelopmental trajectories and brain maturation. The neurobiological processes behind cannabis's effects in adolescence are unknown, but it mediates certain impacts on the brain by means of the Both CB1 and CB2 cannabis receptor interactions.4 Adolescent cannabinoids alter adult brain mesolimbic areas, predicting future self-administration behaviour, a trait associated with susceptibility to drug addiction. Cannabis interacts with some of its effects on the central nervous system are mediated by CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors; however, the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these effects in adolescence remain mainly unclear. According to recent studies, an overactive 5-HT2 AR pro-hallucinogenic signaling pathway is the reason why teenage cannabis users are more likely to experience adult psychosis.4 With 23% of teenagers having used marijuana at some point in their lives and 9% having done so in the last month, cannabis misuse is a rising concern among this demographic. Research indicates that long-term cannabis use may increase the likelihood of psychosis, depression, cognitive decline, and a gateway to other drug misuse. In rats, for instance, chronic exposure to cannabinoid agonists throughout adolescence results in cognitive deficits in later life. Long-term exposure to CB1R agonists, such as Tetra hydrocannabinol (THC) delta-9, WIN 55, and 212-2, was assessed in these adult animals, impaired memory as measured by the object recognition task. It is still up for debate, though, whether teenage cannabis usage causes long-term memory impairments. Researchers have observed memory deficits among adult rats given WIN 55,212-2 in their youth in fear conditioning and Morris water maze tests. Furthermore, adult rats treated with juvenile CB1R agonists show a decline in their spatial working memory. However, in a water maze test, another study using adult rats treated with THC or CP 55,940 found no evidence of long-term memory impairment. The type of cannabis, the length of time the medication was exposed, the dosage, and the strain of animal utilized all affect how an adolescent's cognitive function is affected by cannabis use. Higher doses and/or earlier exposures seem to be generally required to affect cognition, and PFC circuits are typically affected in the type of memory impairment. Researchers looking into the effects of cannabis on anxiety have also produced mixed results. The adult rat raised plus maze and open field test demonstrated anxiolytic-like responses following long-term CB1R agonist treatment. Nonetheless, a number of investigations have shown that giving THC to adolescents can have anxiogenic effects. Teens that come into contact with THC are more prone to exhibit depressive-like behaviours as adults. These behaviours are linked to elevated cortisol levels and amplified stress reactions. According to the results of the sucrose preference test and the palatable meal consumption test, adolescent cannabinoids also cause hedonic processing impairment.15

There is currently little information on how teenage cannabinoids affect adult rodent psychosis-related behaviours over the long term. One frequent term for decreased pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) involves endophenotype is a sensory gating metric. Long-lasting gating impairment is seen in adulthood in adolescent rats given WIN 55,212-2 treatment; this could be because of the animal strain used and the stage of adolescence in which the exposure to cannabis took place. According to the gateway theory, marijuana usage in adolescence increases the likelihood that an adult rat will later consume opioids, cocaine, or self-administer WIN 55, 212-2. Opposing reports, however, refute this theory. It is unclear what mechanisms underlie the behavioural and cognitive deficits observed in adults who used cannabis as adolescents. There have been reports of morphological and neuroplastic changes, such as a reduction in the overall dendritic arborization and a decrease in the density of cells that are positive for BrdU, an indicator of neurogenesis. Cognitive problems in adult mice may possibly be caused by an inherent predisposition in hippocampus astrocytes to activate inflammatory signaling after teenage cannabis usage. Adolescent THC inhibits the endocannabinoid system's maturation and reduces the ability of the adult PFC to experience endocannabinoid-mediated long-term depression (LTD). These modifications significantly alter the functional role of the PFC by affecting GABAergic and glutamatergic transmission. Current research indicates that the brain network functionality brought about by adolescent cannabis use is influenced by epigenetic mechanisms. This is demonstrated by the increased amounts of adult endocannabinoids in the hippocampus and the hypermethylation of DNA at the intracellular G protein signaling site regulator (RGS7). 3


Opioids and their receptors are widely used in the treatment of pain and other symptoms related to the central nervous system. Nonetheless, there is growing proof that, when paired with other risk factors, exposure to opiates can increase the probability of substance use disorders in young adulthood.16 Recreational opioid use produces a adolescence can increase the likelihood of young adults developing substance use problems. Addiction-related behaviours and persistent opioid dysfunction are associated with neuroinflammation. Although the long-term repercussions of opioid misuse on teenagers and young adults are poorly known, it is a common occurrence. Adolescents are increasingly abusing synthetic opioids in society, however, the prevalence of heroin misuse has not changed. Studies on animal behaviour reveal that an animal's the amount of morphine a teen takes during adolescence depends on their sex, with men being more affected. After a protracted period of abstinence, teenage morphine causes behavioural sadness in mice, indicating a possible co-occurring disorder between opiate addiction and depression. But it also makes adult mice more gregarious. Treatment with morphine during adolescence greatly speeds up the process of morphine tolerance development, which in turn causes an increase in morphine withdrawal symptoms in adult rats. Research indicates that morphine administered during adolescence has enduring implications on adult rats' lateral paragigantocellular (LPGi) neuronal responsiveness to morphine. These effects include potentiation of morphine-induced inhibition and higher baseline neuronal activity.17 The degree of morphine excitatory effects, the frequency of discharge from the unit, or the start or peak of neuronal responses were all unaffected by morphine administration during adolescence. The activity inside the NAc of microglial cells and the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signalling cascade appear to be particularly susceptible to morphine-induced alterations during adolescence. Because it causes enduring alterations among the brain pathways linked to morphine addiction and relapse, this shift in microglial function increases the likelihood of unfavourable outcomes after drug therapy. These findings point to the possibility that teenage morphine addiction may set off a complex cascade of changes, including modifications in microglia that could lead to the emergence of mental disorders in later life.3


Cocaine consumption among adolescents can lead to severe social, health, and financial consequences. Recurrent cocaine use causes cellular/molecular abnormalities and long-lasting changes that impair neuroplasticity in the accumbens nucleus. Teenage brains are particularly susceptible to these impacts, with higher self-administration behaviour and greater impairment in learning tasks.18 The production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and central immune activation are factors that contribute to neuro pathological alterations, behavioural dysfunctions, and addiction. Chronic cocaine use induces inflammatory signalling, which increases drug desire. TLR4 inhibition lowers cocaine-primed drug desire and inhibits the extracellular dopamine that cocaine causes in the nucleus accumbens. These results imply that specific brain areas may experience cocaine-induced neuroinflammation and immune activation can contribute to neuro pathological changes and behavioural changes.4 Cytokines are new biomarkers for the development of treatments in populations of addicts. Cocaine is a psych stimulant medication that alters behaviour and the nervous system over time. Exposure to cocaine throughout adolescence alters the physiology, anatomy, and function of the brain; these modifications are linked to aberrant behaviour and the emergence of mental illnesses in later life.

For instance, cocaine exposure results in long-lasting modifications to the way that the brain learns rewards and punishments, a lack of hippocampal neurogenesis, a rise in depressive and anxiety-like behaviours, changes to the structure of the pyramids, astrocyte activity, protein expression related to hippocampal inflammation, apoptosis, and synaptic transmission, and disturbances to amygdala-mediated behaviours like anxiety tasks and contextual fear responses.19 Cocaine use causes long-lasting adjustments to testosterone levels and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during adolescence, which alter behaviour in reaction to possible dangers and result in high-risk, low-reward choices. Increased GABAergic transmission on pre-limbic cortex pyramidal neurons and a persistent disinhibition of the medial prefrontal cortex may potentially be responsible for the rise in high-risk behaviours. Self-administration of cocaine results in adult preference for cocaine and habit-like behavioural rigidity. Changes in the cortex brought on by cocaine may be responsible for this altered reactivity. For instance, there is a decrease in the density of synapses, synapse-related proteins, and the the head size of the dendritic spine. Overuse of cocaine alters dendritic structure in the orbitofrontal cortex in a way that is long-lasting and may be more linked to the drug's behavioural effects than to underlying structural problems in this population of cells. Abuse of cocaine throughout adolescence causes leads to cross-sensitization to a methamphetamine sub-acute dosage in adults, a sign of long-term brain changes and drug addiction. These behavioural manifestations are caused by changes in the medial PFC and NAc in the transmission of dopamine and glutamate. In conclusion, cocaine use in adolescent results in morphological and neurochemical alterations that are consistent with long-lasting behavioural abnormalities in adulthood.3

Amphetamines and MDMA

MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxy methamphentamine), or ecstasy, is a common drug used by teenagers and young adults. It quickly releases serotonin, affecting other neurotransmitters, preventing reuptake, and increasing oxidative stress and free radical generation. Adolescents often experience persistent behavioural abnormalities in mood and cognitive abilities. Rats exposed to MDMA show neurotoxicity, cell death, and neuro toninergic deficiency in multiple brain areas. Studies suggest that methamphetamine-related neurotoxicity and behavioural dysfunctions are linked to neuronal loss, neuro inflammation, and microglial activation.4 These effects are attributed to the neurotoxicity and cell death caused by MDMA, which is linked to neuronal loss, neuro inflammation, and microglial activation. Each year, more people use methamphetamine and amphetamine than heroin and cocaine. These medications have an impact on the dopamine system, which causes adult cognitive impairments. Studies have shown that, in the 2000s, there was a rise in the use of amphetamines by teenagers, despite the fact that the percentage of teenagers using these drugs is very low when compared to other drugs. Research on animals has demonstrated that amphetamine use throughout adolescence causes deficiencies in memory and learning, which include poorer spatial working memory in adulthood, reversal learning, and visual discrimination. Pre-exposure to methamphetamine and amphetamine in adolescence dramatically raises the risk that adult rats will use other drugs of abuse and increase their consumption of these drugs.20 Methamphetamine exposure throughout youth, even in little doses, can cause significant learning disabilities in adulthood as well as a lifelong sensitivity to consequences of methamphetamine usage. Adolescent exposure to amphetamines results in changes to amphetamine-evoked motivation, as well as a decreased capacity to persist in other goal-oriented actions. Compared to adult amphetamine-induced deficiencies in impulse control, these effects are stronger and more enduring. It has been shown that early adolescent exposure to methamphetamine can reduce anxiety-like behavioural symptoms later in adolescence. In rats, repeated exposure to teenage amphetamine causes a decrease in inhibitory transmission that affects the medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) and lasts for up to 14 weeks. Extensive stimulation of neurons throughout the PFC neuro axis seems to be linked to increased susceptibility to reintroduce amphetamine as an adult. Long-term amphetamine use in youth increases monoamine neuron activation in adulthood, which is linked to altered mobility and risk-taking patterns.3

Anabolic androgenic steroids

Synthetic androgens known as anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are utilized in for strength and muscle building, particularly among adolescent boys. However, their usage has been connected to aggressive behaviour, mood and anxiety issues, and psychotic and behavioural abnormalities. AAS has been shown to disrupt brain function, impact neurotransmitters, and weaken the immune system.4 Experimental research indicates that AAS degrades neurotransmitters, interferes with brain function, and weakens the immune system, highlighting the potential risks associated with AAS use.21


Adolescence is a crucial stage of development that maximizes reproductive fitness and survival, paving the way for secondary sexual maturity as well as the formation of social and psychological traits characteristic of adults. Until late adolescence, the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala are still developing. Adolescent brains are highly flexible, making them susceptible to environmental stimuli. Adolescents become independent of their parents at the end of this period and they exhibit risky behaviours and respond to pressures differently than older and younger people. The setting of familial dysfunction can lead to youth conditions that exacerbate homelessness. Adolescent brain maturation is influenced by alcohol and drug addiction but neuroimmune system activation plays a smaller part in behavioural impairment evident than in alcohol consumption. Data indicates that the neuroimmune reaction is important in various drug-abusing behaviours. Adolescent alcohol usage is prevalent with binge drinking accounting for 16% of global prevalence. Research shows that binge drinking affects the prefrontal and mesolimbic areas leading to cognitive impairment and anxiety-like behaviour. This could affect adult neurogenesis and the development of anxiety-like behaviours. This may be due to alcohol-induced mitochondrial damage. This implies that smoking cessation and the development of nicotine dependence occur during adolescence. According to other research, adolescent nicotine use increases the reward for cocaine in maturity. Adolescent nicotine use causes the NAc shell to become more flexible, which suppresses the long-term increase in striatal dopamine and norepinephrine levels that nicotine causes. The 5-hydroxytryptamine (5 H T) synaptic function is altered by nicotine over time and this can affect how the body reacts to other substances of abuse. Furthermore, adult rats exposed to agonists of the CB1 receptor during adolescence show degradation of spatial working memory. Nonetheless, a number of investigations have shown that giving THC to adolescents can have anxiogenic effects. However, there is growing evidence that exposure to opioids, may raise the chance of substance use problems in young adults when combined with other risk factors. Research indicates that morphine administered during adolescence has enduring implications on adult rats' lateral paragigantocellular (LPGi) neuronal responsiveness to morphine. Adolescent brains are more sensitive to these effects, with higher self-administration behaviour and greater impairment in learning tasks. Activation of the immune system and the generation of cytokines that promote inflammation are responsible for neuropathological alterations, behavioural dysfunctions, and addiction. It has been shown that early adolescent exposure to methamphetamine can reduce lessen the behavioural signs of anxiety that appear later in adolescence. Extensive stimulation of neurons throughout the PFC neuro axis seems to be linked to increased susceptibility to reintroduce amphetamine as an adult. However, its usage has been connected to anxiety, mood disorders, aggressiveness, and psychotic and behavioural abnormalities. AAS has been shown to disrupt brain function, impact neurotransmitters and weaken the immune system.

Source of Funding

Not applicable.

Conflict of Interest




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Received : 01-08-2024

Accepted : 21-08-2024

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