Analytical aspects and management of copper poisoning- A review

Review Article

Author Details : A K.Jaiswal*, Dimple Bhatia, Rajesh , M Gupta, T Millo

Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2019

Article Page : 110-115

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Copper resembles reddish-orange when freshly exposed. It is soft, malleable and ductile metal. It is an essential trace element present in human beings and helps in biological functioning of so many enzymes in our body. Copper is also used in others places like in pesticides, alloys and due to its high conductivity to heat and electricity it is used in electrical equipments such as wiring and motors. In its metallic state copper is not as such poisonous but some of its salts are poisonous like copper sulphate, copper subacetate, copper carbonate and its accumulation in body also cause disease in humans. The toxicity cause by copper is known as copperiedus. Source of exposure to copper toxicity or copperiedus is occupational (like people working in alloy factories or pesticides industries) and non-occupational which is through contaminated water or food. Pathway of exposure is mainly through skin, gastrointestinal track, lungs and mucous membrane. Copper poisoning has both acute and chronic effect on human body.

Keywords: Copper, exposure, Fatal period and fatal dose, Toxicity, Management etc.

How to cite : K.jaiswal A, Bhatia D, Rajesh, Gupta M, Millo T, Analytical aspects and management of copper poisoning- A review. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2019;6(3):110-115

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