A Cross-Sectional Study on Immunization Status among Anganwadi Children in an Urban Community of Pune

Author Details : Manjunath S Kamble, Sangita C. Shelke, Bilkish Patavegar

Volume : 2, Issue : 3, Year : 2015

Article Page : 150-153

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Introduction: Immunization not only reduces morbidity and mortality from potentially infectious diseases, it also interrupts disease transmission in the community. In a developing country like India, children are not immunised at all or partially immunised and the usage of health services is also different for different segments of society. According to NFHS III data, only 44% of infants are completely immunized, which is much less than the desired goal of 85% .So, the study was undertaken to assess the immunisation status of children ( 3-6 years) coming to anganwadis under the urban field practice area of B.J.Medical College, Pune.

Aim and Objective: To assess the immunization status of children (3-6 years) coming to Anganwadis.
Methodology: A cross- sectional study was done among 3-6 years old children coming to anganwadis under urban field practice area of B.J.Govt.Medical College, Pune. The study was conducted between January 2013 to July-2014. All children who were enrolled in anganwadis and the parents/guardian of children who were willing to participate were included in study after taking written informed consent. Data was analysed using SPSS softwareVersion 17.
Results and discussion: The number of children coming to anganwadis were more in the age group of 4-5 years (39.98%). There were more females as compared to males i.e. 41.18% & 36.44% respectively. The Immunization status was associated with various parameters but significant association was found with parameters like sex, socio-economic status, underweight and wasting (p<0.05). Most of the study results were similar to the findings of other studies conducted at different places and at different time intervals. There were few studies which showed contrast results to our study.
Summary and conclusion: Majority of children were completely immunized. (85.43%). No association was found between different age groups and immunization status. (p=0.9058). It was also observed that more number of male children (21.19%) were partially immunized as compared to female children (8.82%). The number of children who were completely immunized were having lesser underweight and wasting as compared to partially immunized and unimmunized children. (p<0.05).The association was not statistically significant. (p>0.05) with respect to stunting.
Recommendation: All efforts should be taken to immunize those children who were partially immunized or not immunized at all.
Key words: Immunization, Anganwadi, Urban area.

How to cite : Kamble M S, Shelke S C, Patavegar B, A Cross-Sectional Study on Immunization Status among Anganwadi Children in an Urban Community of Pune. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2015;2(3):150-153

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