Community health profiling and accessibility of health care services at subcentre Abedal, central Kashmir

Original Article

Author Details : Auqfeen Nisar*, S Muhammad Salim Khan, Sheikh Mohd. Saleem

Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2019

Article Page : 40-44

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Introduction: Subcentre is a fundamental unit of the health care design specifically put up to serve extremely rural areas. Expenses are fully incurred by the central government. One cannot deny that government has not set right the rural health care framework but due to scant availability of these facilities on qualitative and quantitative basis, we have yet not reached the WHO standards. The objectives of the study were to estimate the community health profile of the area covered by subcentre Abedal and to evaluate the accessibility level of health care facilities and their delivery at the subcentre.
Materials and Methods: Research was conducted in the Abedal (Dal Lake) area of rural Kashmir carrying a total population of 1040. No. of households in the area are 139 with a total of 297 families. Study was conducted over a period of 3 months. The research was performed on the health profile data collected door to door by trained FMPHWs/ANMs and recorded on a predesigned and pretested proforma. Other information was also extracted in the form of feedback forms and interviews.
Results: It was found that the male and female population is nearly equal with females dominating by 51 percent. Around 62 percent of the total population is covered by the adult age group. 4% of the population is widow mostly from the old age group. The area has a 16.25 percent population of smokers as well. All the 297 families were found to be non-vegetarians. 59.95 percent of the families belonged to the upper lower class followed by lower middle class which cover 29.6 percent of all the families. 17.26 percent of the population suffered from at least one disease. 17.26 percent of the population suffered from at least one disease. Hypertension was found to lead among the chronic diseases with 11.05 percent followed by heart diseases in 6.15 percent of the population. The overall accessibility of the health care services at the subcentre is good. 24 out of 297 families have found the location of the subcentre far from their residences. The subcentre staff is cooperative and always ready for assistance. Around 48 percent of the population says that they do not find all the medication and not every health issue is entertained. However, minor ailments are treated without a delay. 51.6 percent say that they have faced a lot of discomfort in waiting rooms due to lack of ample space every time they visit. This also makes them switch to expensive clinics sometimes for minor health problems but takes a toll on their finances.
Conclusion: It is concluded from the present study that overall, the community is satisfied with the services catered at the subcentre. The basic needs are met as per standards. It is suggested that better waiting room facilities and space be made available to lessen the discomfort faced by ailing patients while waiting for their turn. The data collected on disease burden of the area should be kept in records. Provisions should be made for necessary medication at the time of emergency mostly for hypertension and related complications.

Keywords: Subcenter abedal, Subcenter population, Health care services, Survey.

How to cite : Nisar A, Khan S M S, Saleem S M, Community health profiling and accessibility of health care services at subcentre Abedal, central Kashmir. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2019;6(1):40-44

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