Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2018
Article Page : 168-172
Introduction: Ascertaining food safety knowledge, attitude and practice of students have high importance because this eventually will lead to more food-conscious society and more healthy people. Only a handful of studies have been done to evaluate food safety practices among medical students.
Aim and Objectives: To assess knowledge, attitude and practices regarding food safety practices among medical students.2
To impart health education regarding correct food safety practices to the medical students.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 students were covered after verbal consent. Information was collected on a pre-tested and pre-designed questionnaire on knowledge, safe handling and purchasing practices pertaining to safe food handling.
Results: Majority (59%) had good knowledge on food safety practices, greater number had poor purchasing power behaviour and none scored good son safe handling practices score.
Conclusion: The target study highlighted that students with good knowledge scores was only 40 percent, majority [77 percent] had poor purchasing power scores whereas none of the students had good safe handling techniques knowledge.
Keywords: Food safety, Knowledge, Medical students.
How to cite : Sharma P , Srivastava K, Banerjee A , Shaili V, Is there need to augment the food safety knowledge, safe handling practices and purchasing behaviour among medical students. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2018;5(3):168-172
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