Assessment of selfie addiction among professional medical students of Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Mandhana, Kanpur

Original Article

Author Details : Nath Som, Nath Manjusha, Gahlot Anju, Bhagoliwal Ajay

Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2017

Article Page : 261-266

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Introduction: Selfie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a digital camera or camera phone held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Considering the relationship between personality and selfie-posting behaviors, the study was undertaken to determine the demographics and psycho-social effect of the selfie users, the frequency and nature, reasons and impact of selfies taken.
Methodology: It was a cross-sectional observational study conducted among 487 undergraduate medical students of all the batches of Rama Medical College & Research Centre, Mandhana, Kanpur. Out of total 481 enrolled medicos who were selfie users, 100 students were randomly selected by simple randomization method & were interviewed. Data collected and entered in Microsoft Excel sheet & were analyzed using SPSS version 21.
Results: Out of total 100 medicos, more (55%) were female & 45% were male. Majority of medicos 43% were interested in head & face selfie shot, out of this majority 72.1% were female & 27.9% were male students. Followed by Body shot 29%, female 69% & male 31% medicos. Minimum selfie shot 13% were with surrounding. There is a significant association between selfie type and gender (Chi-square value is 14.067 and p=.003). Maximum 47 % medicos were involved in average daily 4-6 frequency of taking selfie. Mood is altered depending on number of likes and comments on my selfie.
Conclusion: Based on the study it can be conclusively said that age and gender affects the number of selfies one clicks. Be it a behavioral change, peer pressure is a psychological phenomenon in which people do something primarily because other people are doing.

Keywords: Selfie, Narcissm, Social networking, Social Media

How to cite : Som N, Manjusha N, Anju G, Ajay B, Assessment of selfie addiction among professional medical students of Rama Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Mandhana, Kanpur. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2017;4(4):261-266

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