Health and social problems of the elderly: A cross-sectional study in Gujarat

Original Article

Author Details : Kavita Banker, Bipin Prajapati, Jignesh Chauhan

Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2017

Article Page : 216-220

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Introduction: Higher prevalence of social and health problems observed among geriatric population like visual impairment, tobacco use, hearing problems, urinary complain, weight loss/gain, hypertension, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, dental problems, depression, memory loss, loneliness, family pressure. Geriatric population covered 7% of the global population and it will almost double means 14% in year 2040.
Objectives: To study the socio-demographic condition and health problems among elder people in urban population.
Materials and Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out in UHTC which is the field practice area of GMERS Medical College, Himmatnagar, Gujarat during January 2016 to September 2016. By simple random technique, 500 houses were selected for house to house survey and all the elderly people present in house at the time of visit were included in the study and primary data collected by pre-tested and pre-design questionnaire.
Result: Around 86.9% participants belonged to 60-70 years group, 30.2% were widow or widower, 64.6% were illiterate, 8% residing alone and 55.4% were dependent population. Almost 64.6% participants were illiterate, 8.0% were residing alone, 32.6% had restricted mobility, 38.3% had inadequate sleep problems, 27.4% was overweight, higher blood pressure among 37.71% and mean BMI was 22.9 ± 12.82 & 23.59 ± 4.68 in urban area respectively. Almost 36.0% participants were operated for cataract and 4.0% have night blindness problem.
Conclusion: higher prevalence of loneliness, dependency ratio, restricted mobility, inadequate sleep, appetite problem, joint pain, impaired vision & hearing, dental problems, obesity (in urban) and high blood pressure. There is also required larger study with larger sample size to explore the problems among elder population.

Keywords: Dependency Ratio, Elderly, Obesity, Urban Area.

How to cite : Banker K, Prajapati B, Chauhan J, Health and social problems of the elderly: A cross-sectional study in Gujarat. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2017;4(4):216-220

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