Study of incidence of histopathological changes in liver due to agricultural poisons – a prospective study conducted at Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai

Original Article

Author Details : S. Balasubramanian, A. Gokulakrishnan

Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2016

Article Page : 263-266

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A two year prospective study was conducted from May 2014 to May 2016 a total of 4123 autopsies were conducted amongst 906 cases with the history of agricultural poisoning were studied. In that 535 cases were females and 371 cases were male. Age of the individuals varied from 7years to 65 years. Amongst 80% of cases was in the age group of 25 to 35 years. Most of the cases are suicidal in nature and 2% are accidental in nature. In 643 cases poisons were confirmed by chemical analysis of state forensic science laboratory, in that 368 cases were organ phosphorus compound, 97 cases were aluminium phosphide and 81 cases were zinc phosphide, 97 cases are Pyrethrin compounds and in remaining cases poison was not detected by chemical analysis. In all cases liver was examined for both gross and histological changes, most cases showed severe congestion by gross examination. Histological changes in liver were classified based on the degree of damage to hepatic tissue caused by agricultural poisonous substance were grouped into I, II & III. Group I include Congestion, sinusoidal dilatation, mononuclear and neutrophillic infiltration, group II include Cytoplasmic vacuolization and hydropic degeneration, group III include Patchy or centrilobular necrosis and patchy haemorrhages. Based on duration of treatment amongst poisoning cases study group was classified. In that 653 cases were treated for less than 24 hr, 174 cases were treated for 2 – 5 days, 79 cases were treated for 5 – 10 days. In the present study organophosphorus compound was most commonly used and female victims in middle age group were predominant and the histopathological findings were grouped based on the degree of damage to the hepatic tissue and there incidence were identified based on type of agricultural poison and duration of treatment. Group I histological changes were predominantly seen among organophosphorus compound and the persons who were treated less than one day, group II &III changes were predominant among phosphates, Pyrethrin compounds and the persons who were treated more than two to five days.

Keywords: Agricultural poisons, Organophosphorus compounds, Phosphates, and Pyrethrin

How to cite : Balasubramanian S, Gokulakrishnan A, Study of incidence of histopathological changes in liver due to agricultural poisons – a prospective study conducted at Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(4):263-266

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