Estimation of Stature from fragments of femur

Original Article

Author Details : Praveen Athani, Vijayanath V, Vijaya NM, Anjanamma TC

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016

Article Page : 225-229

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Introduction: Estimation of stature from bone has anthropological and forensic importance. The bones of lower limbs particularly femur has yielded good results. It is well known fact that the intact femur has the highest correlation with stature & and it is widely used in the derivation of regression equations for the stature estimation. An intact femur is not always present for analysis in forensic cases, so it is necessary to derive regression equation for the estimation of stature from fragments of the bone.
Aims and Objectives: The present study is aimed at estimating the length of the femur from femur bone fragments i.e. intertrochanteric crest length, transverse diameter of head & bicondylar width and subsequent estimation of stature from length of femur.
Materials Methods: Samples of 100 femora were taken from the department of Forensic Medicine & Anatomy.
Results: Intertrochanteric crest length, transverse diameter of head & bicondylar width were measured and regression equations were derived. The mean value of femur length is 43.05cms, the mean value of Intertrochanteric crest length is 65.85cms, the mean value of transverse diameter of head of femur is 41.12cms and the mean value of condylar width is 72.53cms.The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for Intertrochanteric crest is 0.645, transverse diameter of head is 0.764 and for condylar width is 0.728.
Discussion: one study done by Sandeep Singh shows the comparison result with our study wirth mean value of 43.26cms. In study by Chandran have shown positive correlation for intertrochanteric length which is similar to our study. Bidmos have published regression equation with respect to transverse diameter of head is comparable with our study, majority of the work available in the literature by different workers has a positive correlation with our study.
Conclusion: Among the above the transverse diameter of the head shows more statistically significant value compared to the others. Hence in the present study we can estimate the femoral length from femoral fragments by regression equation, then we can subsequently calculate the stature from the length of femur.

Keywords: Anthropometry; Forensic; Femur; Fragment; Stature


How to cite : Athani P, Vijayanath V, Vijaya Nm, Anjanamma Tc, Estimation of Stature from fragments of femur. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(3):225-229

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