Socio-economic profile of laproscopic sterilization acceptors of rural community in Rajasthan

Original Article

Author Details : SM Mathur, Brajesh Kumar, Sumit Ahluwalia, Rekha Mathur

Volume : 3, Issue : 3, Year : 2016

Article Page : 183-186

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Background and Introduction: Among the various health problems like Population explosion, Infections, Malnutrition, Environmental sanitation, LBW, etc. Population explosion is one of the most serious problems encountered by a developing country like India. About three fourths of the world’s population lives in the developing countries. Although, in terms of population USA ranks third in the world after India, there is yawning gap of 978 million between the populations of these two countries. The United Nations has estimated that world’s population grew at an annual rate of 1.23 percent during 2000-2010. China registered a much lower annual growth rate of population (0.6 percent) during 2002-2012, as compared to India (1.4 percent). Three countries of SEAR, i.e., India (17.5 percent), Indonesia (3.49 percent) and Bangladesh (2.19 percent) are among the most populous ten countries of the world. At present India’s population is second to that of China. According to UN projections India’s population will reach 1.53 billion by the year 2050, and will be the highest population in the world.
Aims and Objectives: To study the socio-economic profile of acceptors of Laparoscopic sterilization in rural area.

Method and Material: Present study is retrospective cross - sectional   study. It was conducted on health record of 283 Laparoscopic sterilized women, operated from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016, in PHC Achrol, District Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Results: In the present study most of the females who undergone laparoscopic sterilization were from 24-30 years(90.10%) of age group. 93.63% females belonged to Hindu religion and only 5.65% to Muslim community, and only 0.70% were from Sikhs. In the present study 43.47% belonged to Gen and OBC, 28.97% belonged to SC and remaining 27.56% were from ST caste. 80.91% got themselves operated when the youngest child was less than 3 yrs of age. Ladies from socio-economic class I represented 3.89%, II represented 6.71%, III represented 14.49%, IV represented 32.15% and V represented 42.76%. Only 15.19% Husbands of laparoscopic acceptors were uneducated and among the acceptor ladies 17.66% were uneducated. With one male child survived 49.11%, two male child survived 40.28% and with three male child survived 10.60%, got themselves operated.
Conclusion: Three major deterrents to development are illiteracy, poverty and social inequality and injustice. Out of these, illiteracy is probably most important from the point of view of family planning. Two major strategies to contain population growth are family planning and education. About one- third of Indian women use female sterilization as a method for regulating fertility, analysis reveals that people from different socio-economic, religious and demographic strata do not generally opt for sterilization in equal proportion. In this respect existing agencies like VHGs, SHGs groups, AWWs, Sahali, and other paid grass root level workers, requires more motivation and dedication to work, which is normally not seen. Some NGOs can also make a change in situation if they are properly guided and monitored.

Keywords: Laparoscopic, Sterilization, Socio-economic

How to cite : Mathur S, Kumar B, Ahluwalia S, Mathur R, Socio-economic profile of laproscopic sterilization acceptors of rural community in Rajasthan. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(3):183-186

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