Diagnosing the Missing Cases of Hypertension: An Opportunistic Screening among Engineers in a Training Institute in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Original Article

Author Details : Syed Jawwad Ali Hashmi, Momin Kashif Mustafa, Jagannath V Dixit

Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2016

Article Page : 31-35

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Objective: 1) To study knowledge and awareness about risk factors and complications of hypertension among engineers.
2) To identify missing opportunities to diagnose hypertension.
Methodology: A questionnaire based cross-sectional study was conducted during the month of July 2013 amongst 80 engineers undergoing training in WALMI (water and land management institute), Aurangabad.
Results: The knowledge about complications associated with hypertension was considerably low. For instance, only 15.6% believed that hypertension can cause kidney failure while 40.6% of the respondents agreed very much that severe hypertension can lead to heart attack which could lead to the death of the affected person. Only 9.4% agreed that hypertension can result to retinal failure. Among 80 participants we found 22 persons having blood pressure above 140/90 mm hg on both readings of which only 10 were aware of their hypertension of which only 6 were taking medicines of which only 4 persons were taking regular medicine and follows all advice given by doctor about life style modification.
Conclusion: In the main time, one of the cornerstones to achieving positive health behavior towards hypertension is through public education. This calls for compulsory on-job screening and educative programs in the form of seminars and conferences for all categories of staff.

Key words: Awareness, Hypertension, High blood pressure, Knowledge

How to cite : Hashmi S J A, Mustafa M K, Dixit J V, Diagnosing the Missing Cases of Hypertension: An Opportunistic Screening among Engineers in a Training Institute in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(1):31-35

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