An Epidemiological Study of Nutritional Status of Rural Children in Jaipur District (Raj.)

Original Article

Author Details : Mathur SM, Brajesh Kumar, Hossain Samar, Mathur Rekha

Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2016

Article Page : 25-30

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Background: Uncontrolled fertility in rural areas without the requisite economic and social infrastructure has resulted in a great problem of malnutrition among the under five children of rural population. Their nutritional status is far from being satisfactory.
Objectives: To determine the nature and extent of the health and nutritional problems of under-five rural children, to highlight the various factors contributing to the health and nutritional problems, and to develop a project for solving the nutritional and health problems.
Method and Material: A cross sectional epidemiological study was conducted in field practice area of Rural Health Training Center, Achrol village, district Jaipur (Rajasthan). The mothers or care givers of under-fives were interviewed and the children were examined clinically with the help of a pre-designed, pre-tested pro-forma after taking informed consent. WHO Child Growth Standards were used to assess the nutritional status of children. Results were subjected to statistical analysis.
Results:  In present study of rural children, out of 334 children 137 (41.01%) were found to suffer from various grades of malnutrition. Among malnourished 45.98% were male and 54.01% were female under-fives. 42.33% children belonged to nuclear family, 29.92% to joint family and 27.73% children belonged to three generation type of family among the malnourished children. 35.03% of malnourished children were delivered at hospital and remaining 64.96% were delivered at home. Among the malnourished only 5.10% mothers were studied up to secondary and above, a majority i.e. 46.71% were illiterate. 41.60% malnourished children were having three and more siblings. Third and above birth order children suffered more from malnutrition (44.52%). Among malnourished only 12.81% were weaned by 4-6 months.SC (48.17%)/ST/OBC (33.57%) children suffered more from malnutrition than general caste. Malnourished children were from grade I (3.64%), grade II (6.56%), grade III (25.54%), grade IV (29.19%) and grade V (35.03%). Most of the malnourished belonged to the age group 2-3yrs (48.90%) and 3-5yrs (35.03%). 56.93% female and 43.06% male were among the malnourished children. 40.87% malnourished were from grade I, 29.19% were from grade II, 18.24% were from grade III, and 11.67% were from IV grade of malnutrition. Vit. A deficiency was observed in 7.29% malnourished, Vit. D deficiency in 11.67% malnourished, Vit. B. deficiency in 18.97% malnourished, and Protein deficiency was observed in 17.5% of malnourished children in present study. Most of the deficiency signs were seen in 2-3 years and 3-5 yrs age groups.
Conclusion: Malnutrition is the most widespread condition affecting the health of children. Scarcity of suitable foods, lack of purchasing power of the family as well as traditional beliefs and taboos about what the baby should eat, often lead to an insufficient balanced diet, resulting in malnutrition.

Keywords: Deficiency, Illiteracy, Malnutrition, Under-fives

How to cite : Mathur Sm, Kumar B, Samar H, Rekha M, An Epidemiological Study of Nutritional Status of Rural Children in Jaipur District (Raj.). Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(1):25-30

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