Current Practice and Determinants of Family Planning Methods among Married Females in the Reproductive Age Group (15-49yrs) in a Rural Setting, Kerala

Original Article

Author Details : Suchithra E.T, Sujina C.M

Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2016

Article Page : 13-19

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Background and objectives: Contraceptive prevalence rate is an indicator of health, population, development and women’s empowerment. Contraceptive choice and use will vary according to the socio-cultural factors of that geographical area. This study was done to find out the percentage of married females who is currently using contraceptives as well as various factors associated with its use and along with that, assessed their current knowledge regarding various contraceptive methods.
Methods: A community based cross sectional study done in Mulamkunnathukavu panchyat of Thrissur district in Kerala among 203 married females in the 15-49 age group using a pre-tested questionnaire.
Results: The prevalence of current use of family planning methods was 48.8% with 95% CI was (47.8 - 49.8).  In various contraceptives 16.7% were using Female sterilization, followed by IUD (14.8%) and rhythm method (7.9%). Mean age (SD) at marriage is 21.67(5.67) years. Contraceptive prevalence was shown statistically significant association with age of female (p=0.036) number of child (p=0.03), male preference (p=0.031), age of last child (0.013). Age of the female (p=0.005), spouse education (0.046) and spouse occupation (p=0.04) number of child (p=0.0001), male preference (p=0.001) were the statistically significant factors associated with pattern of use of contraceptive. Majority of study participants were aware about Copper T (80.8%), followed by Condom (73.9%), Rhythm method (72.9%) and female Sterilization (71.9%) Health workers played a big role in disseminating information regarding family planning (68%).
Conclusion: Current use of family planning method and female sterilization was started to decline but knowledge and acceptance of Intra Uterine Device increased .Male participation in family planning method was very poor. So we have to think about the new initiatives to improve the male involvement in family planning practice. Intensify the measures to improve permanent methods.

Key words: Current use, Contraceptives knowledge, Family planning method, Married females

How to cite : E.t S, C.m S, Current Practice and Determinants of Family Planning Methods among Married Females in the Reproductive Age Group (15-49yrs) in a Rural Setting, Kerala. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2016;3(1):13-19

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