Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 251-254
Homicide may be an isolated impulsive act arising from a situation or based on a previous conception, which is premeditation. Despite its nature or motivations, homicide remains a wrongful criminal act at all times and in all places. Several studies conducted in Western countries on this topic have highlighted the overriding concern of the criminal, which includes concealing the criminal offence in most cases.In Africa, apart from cases of infanticide, the discovery of the body of a homicide victim in a public place is a relatively common phenomenon, particularly if it involves mutilation.The body was examined; it was a young adult African female whose corpse was wrapped in a plastic bag. The autopsy established that the section or cutting planes were preferably lodged in the large joints.Death was caused by mechanical asphyxia. The focus of this case lies in the atypical nature of this type of postmortem manipulation in the West African context.The unusual nature of this type of homicide illustrates and underscores some reality in our development context.
Keywords: Homicide, Dismemberment, Mechanical asphyxia, Forensic autopsy.
How to cite : Ngongang F O, Bigot C, Nseme E, Soumah M, Sando Z, Homicide and corpse dismemberment: A study of one case. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2021;8(4):251-254
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Received : 18-08-2021
Accepted : 20-10-2021
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