Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 175-180
Background: Road traffic accidents have become a major public health issue causing fatality and disabilities affecting and impacting the socio-economic development, an examination of the profiles of two-wheeler road traffic accidental injuries and a detailed forensic analysis is needed to reduce fatality and life altering disabilities.
Materials and Methods: In our present study done during a study period of 5 years from 2015 to 2019 the total number of autopsies reported to the mortuary was 930 cases, of which 233 deaths were due to two wheeler accidents. Male victims predominated (217) amounting to 93.1% when compared with female victims in a ratio of 13.5 : 1 and 70.0% (163) of the victims were from rural areas.
Results: The cause of death in majority of cases was head injury in 157 (67.4%) cases. Fatal injuries were confined to a single region in 168 (72.1%) cases and to multiple regions in 65 (27.9%) cases. Skull fractures were noted in 148 cases with 70 cases of fissure fracture on calvaria alone and 30 cases of comminuted fracture. Haemorrhages were predominantly of subdural type in 160 cases, and subarachnoid type in 152 cases. About, 56.7% victims died in collision with 4 wheelers, 13.3% in collision with two wheelers, 15.0% due to collision with pedestrian, 2.1% victims died due to collision with 3 wheelers.
Conclusion: Driver clothes with fluorescent marks, day-time running lights for two wheelers and helmets in white or mild colors are suggested for easy noticability and to prevent collisions.
Keywords: Two wheeler deaths, Head injury, Autopsy cases, Road traffic accidents.
How to cite : Slater S, Subramaniyam S, Chandran R, An analysis of deaths in two wheeler accidents among autopsied cases: Five year retrospective study. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2021;8(3):175-180
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Received : 21-08-2021
Accepted : 08-09-2021
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