Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 80-83
Introduction: Drowning is one of the forms of violent asphyxial death due to aspiration of fluid into air-passages, caused by submersion in water or other fluid. Fatal drowning cases are subjected to medicolegal autopsy. During autopsy, many times the findings are nonspecific and hence the diagnosis of drowning rests on combination of circumstantial evidences and autopsy findings. The purpose of this study is to analyze socio-demographic factors of drowning deaths in rural region and to suggest the preventive measures.
Materials and Methods: It is a five-year retrospective autopsy based study carried out in the Department of Forensic Medicine, Swami Ramanand Teerth Rural Government Medical College and Hospital, Ambajogai Dist. Beed, Maharashtra, India from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018 to study the various socio-demographic factors such as age, sex, seasonal distribution, education, marital status and residence in drowning deaths.
Results: Predominance of males was seen i.e. 50 cases (58.8%). Age group 11-20 years was the most commonly involved i.e. 20 cases (23.5%). Maximum deaths were reported from well/pond 37 cases (43.5%). Least deaths (2.4%) were observed in post graduates. Maximum deceased were living in rural region i.e. 62 cases (72.9%).
Conclusion: Drowning deaths are commonly encountered in autopsy practice.It was seen commonly in males and in age group 11-30 years, in summer season and in well/pond. Students were more commonly involved. Maximum deceased were married and belonged to rural region. Proper safety precautions and water safety education can decrease incidence of accidental drowning.
Keywords: Drowning, Socio-demographic profile, Rural region.
How to cite : Raut S M, Haridas S V, Socio-demographic profile of drowning deaths in a rural region - An autopsy based study. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2021;8(2):80-83
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Received : 03-04-2021
Accepted : 20-04-2021
Viewed: 1661
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