Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 72-74
Since their origin from China, firearms have gained popularity because of easy techniques and effectiveness. This has made them a popular choice of homicide and suicide. Here we present a case where the death is by shooting from a pistol from a point blank range. Bullet takes a crazy course once entered inside the body due to the variation in fluid flow, densities of various organs and air filled cavities. It becomes all the more difficult if there is surgical manipulation. Radiographs were done to have an idea about the place of lodgment of bullet in body. The advent of various radiographic methods like computer tomography and radiography have made the job of autopsy surgeon a little bit easier.
Keywords : Gunshot, Trajectory, Autopsy
How to cite : Sharma M, Rath B, Padhi K S, Sahoo M R, Sahu M R, Gunshot wound to the lumber spine – Autopsy based case report. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2021;8(2):72-74
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Received : 18-03-2021
Accepted : 27-04-2021
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