Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 166-169
Introduction: Hanging deaths is common in the day to day practice of Forensic expert. According to National Crime Bureau Report of 2016, in India, death due to hanging constitutes 46.2% of suicide.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of 205 cases of autopsies done for hanging cases in the mortuary of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), a Tertiary Care Hospital in Imphal, Manipur were studied from the period between January 2008 to December 2019.
Results: This present study throws some light on the emerging trends that hanging is increasingly being adopted by a relatively younger age group between 21-30 years and males constituted 60% while females constituted 40%. Most of the victims were married 60.49% and were settled in urban areas. The place of occurrence was mostly indoors both for males (40.49%) as well as for females (32.68%). Soft ligature was the most commonly ligature material used by hanging victims.
Discussion: Findings of this study will help in highlighting the present scenario of hanging deaths and thus will help in solving many crimes by the law enforcing agencies.
Keywords: Hanging, Ligature mark, Suicide.
How to cite : Pradipkumar K , Keisham S , Deepen C , Sungoh James Dw, Zohlupuii Lynda B, Epidemiological study of hanging deaths in Imphal. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2020;7(4):166-169
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