Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 255-261
Introduction: Plagiarism is misappropriation of another person’s ideas. But, surprisingly there seems to be significant underreporting. An informal discussion on plagiarism with faculties and Post Graduate students revealed that most of them were not sensitized for it. Hence, Study attempts to explore the status of their knowledge and attitude about plagiarism to build awareness and improve their attitudes to minimize plagiarism.
Materials and Methods: Present cross sectional study was conducted at GMC, Bhavnagar (Gujarat) by convenient sampling of Study group in to faculty (Group A) and Post graduate medical students (group B) while using two (1.To analyze knowledge regarding plagiarism 2.To analyze Attitude toward plagiarism) set of structured, validated instruments. Results of responses collected anonymously from both the groups were appropriately analyzed by statistical methods to yield scientific inferences.
Results: Analysis of knowledge of both faculty and students exhibits prevailing disbeliefs about plagiarism (Direct word to word copy-paste is considered as plagiarism by faculty (65%) and P.G. students (70%) although 35% faculty and 38% P.G. students believe plagiarism can be avoided by replacing the words). Their knowledge is deficient about forms & ways of plagiarism as well about secondary citations. Responses revealed that only direct copying of phrases is regarded as dishonest deed. Faculty & P.G students on one hand showed moderate attitude toward plagiarism which mean they perceive plagiarism in the community is fraud. But on other hand both faculty (scored 32.48±6.62) & P.G students (scored 36.21±8.58) showed acceptance for act of plagiarism through moderate positive attitude. Negative attitude of both groups was moderate displaying their tolerance for plagiarism in the community.
Conclusions: Present Study revealed that Medical faculty and P.G. students have misunderstandings about plagiarism while their increasing active flaw towards such behaviour due to Internet is likely to increase plagiarism frequency. Thus strong regulations & reinforcements are gravely needed to prevent impending spread & normalization of plagiarism.
Keywords: Plagiarism, Knowledge, Attitude.
How to cite : Parmar D J, Parmar R D, A study of knowledge and attitudes towards plagiarism among medical faculty & postgraduate students. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2019;6(4):255-261
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