Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2019
Article Page : 134-137
Introduction: Postpartum period or puerperium is the first six weeks after child birth, when the body undergoes major physiological changes. It is a critical transition time for women affecting significantly her physical as well as mental health.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge, practice and attitude of mothers towards postnatal exercise and to find out the association between demographic variables and knowledge, attitude, practice of postnatal exercise among mothers.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study, based on a semi structured pretested questionnaire which was distributed to mothers during a period of 1 month (December-January 2019) in a rural area of Kulasekharam, Kanyakumari district Tamil Nadu.
Results: In our study 22% of participants had adequate knowledge on postnatal exercise. 52% had a positive attitude towards postnatal exercise and 58% practiced postnatal exercises. A strong association has been found between knowledge, attitude, practice and some demographic variables (education, occupation and socioeconomic status).
Conclusion: Data revealed that our participants had poor Knowledge and Practice, but more than half had a positive attitude towards practicing postnatal exercise. Hence health education and awareness programs for pregnant women as well as their family members regarding postnatal exercise must be introduced right from the antenatal period to improve the current scenario.
Keywords: Postpartum, Post Natal, Exercise.
How to cite : Ashok V G, Mohamed A, Knowledge, practice and attitude of postnatal mothers towards postnatal exercises in a rural area of Tamil Nadu. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2019;6(3):134-137
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